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「气旋警告」——香港气候、城市,以及艺术生态 'Warning Signal'-- Climate, City and Art Ecology of Hong Kong

当代艺术装置与百年历史建筑的对话 Dialogue between modern art installation and historical architecture of more than one hundred years.

荷李活道233号荷李活商业中心201室 iisuArt Space Shop 201, 2/F, 233 Hollywood Rd., Hong Kong
Quota Limit:
30 people

29 Oct 15:30 - 17:30


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本次沙龙借展览「风球」作为窗口,邀请到艺术家黎薇、香港大学建筑系副教授朱涛(本展览装置作品顾问)、策展人&艺评人万丰,从黎薇的参展作品「Storm Signal No. X」的创作开始逐一展开讨论,涉及香港的台风气候对城市的影响、香港历史及建筑、作为移民城市的香港人(包括港漂)的性格特征、香港精神、经历时代变迁、风雨洗礼后的香港的艺术生态的概况及转变等。

Taking the exhibition "Wind Ball" as a window, this salon invites artist Lí Wei, associate professor Zhu Tao of Architecture Department at the University of Hong Kong (consultant of installation work) and curator & art critic Wan Feng to discuss the creation of Lí Wei's work "Storm Signal No. X", which involved the impact of typhoon on Hong Kong city, history and architecture, as well as the personality characteristics of Hong Kong people (including Hong Kong mainlanders) as immigrants, and also with the Hong Kong spirits, time changes and transformation and overview of Hong Kong art ecology after the vicissitudes.

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